After knee surgery

After a knee operation, the muscles in the operated leg recede considerably and must first be slowly rebuilt. After a torn cruciate ligament, meniscus, inner or outer ligament, the Jumperband comfort provides additional stability and security during sports. Of course, it does not replace the build-up training, but only offers an additional supplement to the training.

Your personal training program is always based on the severity of the operation and the time that has passed since the operation and should always be discussed with a doctor or physiotherapist.


Here are three example exercises for an early phase of muscle recovery after surgery:

Exercise 1: One leg stabilization exercise

Übungen nach Knieoperationen, Kreuzbandriss, Meniskusriss, Innenbandriss, Außenbandriss


Starting position is a slightly angled monopod stand on the affected leg. Now tap the floor with the toe of the other leg in maximum reach, one after the other to the front, left, right and back.

Then repeat this exercise at least 10 times.


Exercise 2: Standing scale

Therapie nach Knieoperationen, Kreuzbandriss, Meniskusriss, Innenbandriss, Außenbandriss
Starting position is an upright stand with feet apart about hip width. Now shift the body weight to one leg and lift the other leg backwards. Bend forward with straight back. Make this movement from the hip joint. Then simultaneously lift the arms to the side. Back and leg form a line in the end position.

Hold this position for ten seconds. Then change the supporting leg and repeat the exercise 5 times with each side.


Exercise 3: One Legged Bridge

Training nach Knieoperationen, Kreuzbandriss, Meniskusriss, Innenbandriss, Außenbandriss
Start position is lying on the back, one leg is set up at an angle of approx. 100°, the other leg is straight. The thighs are parallel to each other. Now bring hip and buttocks in a straight line to the maximum, so that the whole body forms a line.

Repeat the exercise with both legs in two rounds 10 times.


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We give a 6-month warranty on all Jumperbands. In case of a warranty claim you will receive a free replacement band.